A couple of weeks before Christmas, I tried to take C to get his pictures taken. That didn't work out so well, as the place was packed, so I had someone I knew take a few pictures at their home. I think these turned out better than they would have at the picture place I had gone too.
A few days later I brought D over as well in an attempt to get a Christmas card shot. Luckily there was one good shot, even though I didn't send out Christmas cards that year.
We only tried to get a good photo for about ten or fifteen minutes, but with the way it ended you'd think that we held them hostage for hours.
Happy Holidays from the Clark-Walker family! Tomorrow will be busy with a park date with my boys, baking cookies for Santa, visiting Kel's aunt and dad, and ending the night with a trip through Candy Cane Lane. Sunday will be spent with breakfast and presents with the boys and Kel followed by a day with Poppy and Gigi (and hopefully poker) for the boys and I while Kel spends the day with his dad.

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