See those pink cheeks? My poor baby.
The doctor took a look into one ear, declared it extremely red with fluid behind the ear drum and then looked in the other, and gave it the same diagnosis, and C barely even moved. In the two and a half hours that we were there, C slept for ninety five percent of the time. With his temperature and the state of both ears, for the first time ever we got the antibiotic shot. I was nervous, because C has never had anything with penicillin (that I'm aware of) so I didn't know how he'd react. Thankfully, I knew the nurse who gave him the shot and he made sure that C was as comfortable as he could be before he injected him.
Since the Tylenol didn't touch his fever, and he got a small rash around the injection site, they kept us for awhile so that they can observe C and give him some Motrin. The rash went away after about twenty minutes and the Motrin brought the fever down by .2 degrees so they said we could go home and just watch him to make sure the fever continued to go down. Which it has, although it hasn't gone away completely.
Today he has a little more energy but he still has a fever. And the shot last night made him have diarrhea this morning. At least that's what I'm blaming it on. Either way, not fun. I just want my littlest better. Kel and I have been discussing tubes since November, when C's doctor said that she would send me a referral for both an Audiologist and an ENT. I think last night has put us on the same page in that we want C seen as quickly as possible. I've been waiting almost a month now for the referrals to come in the mail so when we are
This was Christmas 2008. Our first Christmas in our new apartment, D's second Christmas, and his last Christmas as an only child. It was a quiet one, spent with family on both sides. But D loved it. He loved his Elmo DVDs and his Elmo cars. The lights were a hit, he had fun putting on his ornaments, and he actually tried to open his presents. We spent most of the day at home with Aunt B, and had dinner with Poppy, Gigi, and my family at their first Annual Clark Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.
It was a simple Christmas, just how we like it.

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