Thursday night was spent at home just enjoying Nana. The boys each received a new outfit from Nana and I couldn't wait for them to wear them. Of course they were dirty before I could get a decent picture of them so that'll have to be another time. I can't believe how clothing in size 24 months could make C seem so much older. Or maybe its just that he's growing up and I refuse to see it. The one hiccup of the night was when C decided that Nana's cell phone made a good boat in the bathroom sink. I am so sorry Nana! I really hoped the rice trick worked.
Thursday was a warm evening so we spent the majority of it in the backyard. Aunt B was over, and everyone enjoyed the sunset while playing basketball, badminton, and (Kel's favorite) buns up. D loved playing with everyone while C helped Uncle M water... the dirt. It was a great night.
Friday morning we went to our near by splash park and had breakfast. D was true to form and stayed near his Nana while C gave me the pleasure of chasing him around. Luckily once the water came on, he stayed in one place. We ended our visit with Nana with lunch at our new McDonald's and then went home to nap. C crashed out the minute I laid him down in his crib, but D had to stay awake to watch Nana drive away.
We miss you Nana! We are hoping that we can come visit you while Kel is away for the one to two weeks it'll take for his training. We love hearing about Hart park and your train station and can't wait to see them in person!

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