We started the day at the annual Conejo Valley Touch a Truck. Touch a Truck is a free event in which families are allowed to spend the day exploring the many different types of trucks and vehicles that are used daily in our communities. From tow trucks to a police car, from the dump truck full of beach balls to the bright yellow emergency helicopter that drew the biggest crowd, there was something for everyone to enjoy. D especially loved honking the horn of the bomb squad truck, while C enjoyed playing on the playground with a lot of other kids. We tried to get to see the inside of the helicopter, but by the time we were ready to stand in line, the kids were ready to go home. It was a nice hour and a half spent outside.
After a quick Slurpee run, we went back to Uncle H and Aunt D's house for some lunch and play time. C had fun destroying H's room (sorry H!) while D practiced the art of sharing with H. C finally learned how to play peek-a-boo with Aunt D and had the biggest smile on his face whenever he could make one of us giggle. It was nice to be able to just take a breather and know that the boys were having fun playing with their cousins. C and D enjoyed dinner and dessert with kids their age and were very well behaved. We finished the night off with dinner for Uncle H, Aunt D, and me at The Bistro and then headed home. Note to self: Don't take C to a restaurant when he hasn't had a nap all day. At least at The Bistro, no one minded how loud or crazy our table got at times.

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