I think my new motto for this blog is "Better Late then Never".
Easter weekend was nice. It was nice to spend it as a family, without all the chaos and stress of having to make sure we included everyone. With the boys being out of sorts for so long (especially C) we just wanted a quiet weekend at home with the possibility of Easter dinner at Great Grandma's.
So Saturday night we started our first family Easter tradition. Dying eggs! D wasn't all that impressed, and had preferred Dad or me dipping his eggs for him. C, on the other hand, loved
Sunday was spent exactly how we envisioned it. Kel led the boys in their first Easter egg hunt together. C was able to keep up with D and it was fun to just sit and watch the excitement on their faces when they found an egg. After the egg hunt came the baskets. They were more interested in opening the eggs from the hunt than looking at the toys in the baskets. Sunday night ended with dinner at Great Grandma Walker's house with Aunt B, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle B, Aunt D, and Great Grandma.
It was a really nice day, and a great first Easter that the boys were able to enjoy together.

Hey I'm Ginger from over on Ginger Snaps. Thanks for your comment on my blog. :) Love your bunny egg holder! So cute! :)
The bunny egg holder is so cute!!!!
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