The appointment was tough for him. When we arrived, we had to wait while a teenager (who fell while crossing the street) got patched up. Which was fine with me as I thought it would give D a chance to get used to the idea that he was soon to have full use of his right arm again.
Boy was I wrong. (Do you sense a common theme when it comes to me assuming things about my boys)
D spent the entire appointment begging for a red cast. While the yellow one was sawed off (not something I enjoyed watching), he kept asking the technician to put on a red cast. The technician and I laughed it off, and told D of all the wonderful things he'd be able to do now since he would no longer be hindered by a cast. D wasn't impressed. Once the cast was off and we washed his arm ( it was dirty, but not smelly, and had a ton of dead skin) it was time for X-Rays. Which he whimpered throughout and refused to move his arm on his own. I honestly thought it was still broken and worried about what this could possibly mean.
We met with the doctor after X-Rays and he gave us the news that we were hoping to hear: Bones are healed and no more casts! D was not happy about this. He went from calmly requesting a red cast for his arm as it still hurt to demanding the red cast so that he could go play at the park. I believe the cast became somewhat of a security blanket to him and it was hard to just let go. He was able to squeeze the doctor's finger while he was talking with me so the doctor felt that his wrist truly was healed and he was just being a little overprotective. So we left the appointment with no follow up or physical therapy visits being required and the request to come back in a week if D seems to still favor the wrist.
The first two days were hard. D didn't want to use it at all and became really upset if I tried to touch it. However, I've noticed that when he's not paying attention he'll subconsciously use it before he'll use his left hand. And Wednesday he used it to hold the hose and chase me with it. And tonight he gave me the all important high five that he absolutely refused to give to the doctor. So I believe he is on the mend and with a little bit of patience and work, will be at full capacity within the next week or two.

Glad he got his cast off.
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oh my goodness, our boys are almost the same age :) Ah, no broken bones for us yet...whew! Your family is precious!
I'm your newest follower, hope you'll stop by my blogs and say hello :)
No bones have been broken yet but I am patiently waiting. (ha ha) Following from the hop.
All my best,
Yayyyy D!!!
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