Happy Eighteen Months Buggy!
Weight: 27 lbs (On April 15)
Length: Haven't been able to measure him this month
Teeth sure like to take their time:
- Has all four molars
- Has a total of between eleven and thirteen teeth ( I can't get an accurate count without the piranha bite)
- The drooling has slowed down some so we may be waiting for the rest of them.
What's Sleep? :
- Went back to taking two naps of one to two hours during the day.
- This month has been hell between another ear infection on April 6 and April 15 and teething.
- I still get him in bed by 8.
- If I'm lucky, he'll fall asleep within 10 minutes and wake up around 6:30 am.
- If I'm not lucky (which this month I've been 85% UNlucky) he'll either fall asleep around midnight or he'll wake up a few times during the night. More often than not screaming his little heart out.
- Have had a minor set back with Binky but still working diligently on getting that thing out of my house...
- Will not sleep unless he has his soft Kansas City Chiefs blanket.
Who needs to Eat:
- Loves, loves, loves any and all fruit
- Is still somewhat of a picky eater and most of his meals end up on the floor.
- Has almost completely stopped eating table food and has fallen back on soft mushy foods like yogurt, oatmeal, and applesauce. It's a good thing that his Gerber Graduate Meals are soft and squishy...
- Loves using a straw whenever possible which has resulted in the introduction to juice boxes.
Who Talks Anymore:
- is still more Noise Machine than Talking Machine
- has started putting the few words that he does say together to make sentences (Lets go is his favorite phrase at the moment)
- Says "Mamamamamama" or "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad" when he wants out of his crib
- Hoping the latest antibiotics will kick the ear infections for good so we can get more vocabulary from him. I
thinkknow he's behind now... - Favorite word to say is Dian (Dylan)!
- This month hasn't shown me much "new" dislikes other than his complete and utter disdain for ear infections.
- He is disliking most foods that I'm feeding him (refer to his Eating section for more of those details)
- C loves to jump. Whether it be on solid ground in a nice pile of leaves or his nice, bouncy bed.
- C just learned how to drive the Cadillac and loves to drive his brother around.
- C loves trucks, trucks, and more trucks.
- C loves his baby cousin Z and can't wait to actually see his other cousins M&M. They've met, but the girls stayed in their stroller most of the time since they were asleep.
- C loves to dance on tables.
- C loves to blow raspberries.
- C loves to play video games with his brother (no I don't let him do it all that often, he'd still rather play outside).
- C loves to climb on things that he really shouldn't, especially the ladders in the backyard. One handed makes it extra fun.
- C loves to try and open doors, any doors, with Daddy's keys.
- C loves to help in the garden, especially when I let him use his own shovel.
- C loves picking dandelions and
weedsflowers for Mommy
My poor Buggy I'm so sorry this past month has been so hard for you. I hope that this next month brings lots of changes for the better!
I love you Sweet Cheeks <3

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He's a cutie!!
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Mommy's Moments
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