You see, nine years ago we became "official" for the third and last time after a fun filled day at Six Flags Magic Mountain. We met in 2001 when I started working at McDonalds. I was 16, he was 18 and I didn't notice him since my high school crush was also working with us. But I remember meeting him like it was yesterday. It was Friday payday and he came running in the side door searching for his check. Sweaty, smelly, and dirty from just playing basketball with his friends, all I could think of was "what a great smile". I was in drive thru handing out the food and drinks, s we were able to talk a little in between orders. Aside from the typical "Hi I haven't seen you before" and the "yea I just started" , I don't remember what we talked about. But I must have made an impression because when Ice Age came out, he wrangled an invitation and managed to snag a seat next to me and hold my hand.
Ice Age holds a special place in my heart.
Nine years and two kids later, and we are still going strong. Yes we have had our problems, yes we have thought about throwing in the towel one or two times, and yes we've each made mistakes. But we Capricorns are a stubborn lot and we love each other too much to quit. Every time I think of "our song", I think of Shania Twains "Still the One."
For any who are curious, yes we have plans on getting married. At this point there is no date set, and I don't even have a ring or the proposal that goes with it. But the intentions are there. On both sides. As Kel says, when he
Besides, I love him.
With or without the ring. With or without the paper legally binding us together.
It doesn't mean that I'm giving up on changing my last name. It just means that I'm trying to just let go of the small stuff and enjoy what I have, in this moment.
We could be the next Goldie and Kurt. Right?
"Ain't nothin' better, We beat the odds together. I'm glad we didn't listen, Look at what we would be missin'. They said, "I bet they'll never make it".
But just look at us holding on, We're still together still going strong.
(You're still the one) You're still the one I run to. The one that I belong to.
(You're still the one) You're still the one I run to. The one that I belong to.
You're still the one I want for life.
(You're still the one) You're still the one that I love. The only one I dream of.
(You're still the one) You're still the one that I love. The only one I dream of.
You're still the one I kiss good night.
You're still the one "
You're still the one "

1 comment:
That's so sweet!!
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