I know this.
But I wanted to write about it anyway. Even though we didn't do anything spectacular. Like go to a firework show that was at a nearby park (literally 1.5 miles away) like I did when I was pregnant with C. (I honestly don't remember what we did last year, probably what we did this year).
(D was not a fan of fireworks that year)
And I didn't dress the boys up in matching outfits like I did last year.
But it was a relaxing day at home after all of the running around we had done on Saturday and Sunday. Papa F stopped by with some fireworks for Kel (which he did not set off), the boys played in the backyard and around the house, and went to bed as usual. Maybe next year boys.
Kel and I decided to sit on the driveway to watch the fireworks. Never having photographed fireworks or read the manual to my camera, I thought by using the firework setting it would automatically give me the gorgeous shots you see in a magazine or on Disneyland's website. Nope. With a capital N (even if it wasn't at the beginning of a sentence.). The majority of my pictures turned out to be a bunch of squiggly lines that looked nothing like the awesome display of lights in the sky. Even the street lights weren't immune to the transformation. Ah, oh well. Hopefully by next year (or a certain special trip that I am hoping to plan for a certain someone's second birthday) I'll have my camera figured out so that I can take better pictures.

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