Apparently every year, or at least the last few years, a neighboring town holds an Easter Egg hunt complete with moon bouncers, pony rides, games, and live entertainment. Last Saturday, the boys and I joined my cousins and neices' at the hunt. Although the weather was somewhat gloomy, and rain threatened, it was a lot of fun.
C, D, and H made a beeline for the jumpy slide. They stayed there for thirty minutes, until I finally convinced them to check out another bouncer.
We tried the pony ride next. D had been on a pony once, when he was about sixteen months old and cried the entire time, and C had never been near a horse, let alone on one. They seemed excited, and even walked up to a horse. But the minute I tried to put C ON the horse he started screaming. I didn't want to force him, nor traumatize the horse, so I resorted to bribing. I asked him if he wanted to be Woody and ride Bullseye. He said yes and started looking around for a toy horse. When I tried to put him on the horse, he started screaming again and said ,"No Woody!" We quickly moved onto the next activity and the main event.
Hunting for eggs.
C and I waited while D had his fun. I don't think he liked the straw, because he just found a spot that had a lot of eggs and sat there to gather what he could reach. There was a golden egg hidden, but D said that he wasn't interested in finding it. So he gathered as many eggs as he could fit in his bucket and then we went to let C have his hunt.
C did awesome. He was in the two and under hunt, and when we went there were only two younger kids in the area. So he pretty much had the space to himself. Until the Easter Bunny decided to join him. I don't think I ever saw C move so fast as he did. He even abandoned his Easter pail to hide behind me. I had to tell the poor Easter Bunny to stay away because C was scared and I wanted to let him finish his hunt. I think I pissed off the lady from the newspaper who was trying to take pictures. Oh well.
After you hunt for eggs, you take your findings to the volunteers to exchange for a prize. D decided that a mini camera would be cool while C went with a blue bouncy ball. Since we were around him, I had D take a picture with the Easter Bunny while C hid behind my legs. I really don't know why he's so scared, and I don't know how to help him get over his fear, but I'm not going to push him. I'm really hoping this is something that he'll grow out of eventually.
After a quick break of hot dogs and watching a man jump through a lasso, the boy's decided to play games so that they could win some candy and prizes. Golf, bean bag toss, fishing, find the duck with an X, and pick a lollipop were our favorites
By the time we were done with our games, M was ready to go home. At the same time, K and M joined us with M and M. It was nice to see them for a few minutes, especially since I got to see C interact with the girls again. Previously, whenever C was near M, M, and Z he didn't play nicely. Especially when I was the main caregiver at the time. I know he was jealous, and I tried to give him extra one on one attention, but it didn't help while the girls where around. But Saturday must have been a good day for C, or he's gotten over his jealousy, because he was very loving and very sweet towards the girls. I was sad to have to break it up, but it was time for us to leave. We had an awesome time and I hope I remember to do it again next year!

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